TangoTab is an organization that I am always happy to write about. Through their mobile app they've fed almost 2.5 million people! If you haven't downloaded their app, do it now!! Once you have the app, every time you dine out, you'll be able to feed a person in need at no extra cost to you.
As eager as I am to promote TangoTab and tell all my friends about it, I can't be everywhere at once. That's why we've introduced the TangoTab Brand Ambassador program.
The Brand Ambassador program is an opportunity for people to help bring TangoTab to their area and introduce it to their community. Brand Ambassadors will be given all the tools to pitch TangoTab to their friends, family, and coworkers. They will also be encouraged to work with local companies and social organizations to host Feed The City events.
If you are interested in learning more about being a TangoTab Brand Ambassador, reach out to them on social media or email me directly at abanerjee@tangotab.com.