This Thursday I was coming home from Austin on a Megabus, so I could be an Orientation Leader for the TAMS Summer Orientation. After a 3-hour long bus ride, I end up in Downtown Dallas. To save my mom from a long car ride to downtown, I offered to take the DART Train most of the way home. I walk to the Arts District train station preparing to slide my card into the ticket machine to pay for my train pass, and all of a sudden, an elderly woman comes up to me and says "Here take mine, I won't be needing it anymore". I was confused for a second, and saw that this ticket hasn't been used at all! I was moved by this act of philanthropy by a woman I've never met before. To top it all off, just before she disappeared into the grid of skyscapers around Downtown, she said to me "Just Pay it Forward". It's amazing to see how selfless people can still be in a world full of people who would rather be the opposite. This is philanthropy.
Amit Banerjee